Pygmalion Karatzas
Architectural, Fine Art & Commercial Photography
A video montage with impressions from the course by Delaney Phillips.
Sample works from students - UTK Greece 2019.
Images from the exhibition at the College of Architecture & Design, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
Website development & digital exhibit:

"Over the course of three weeks spent in Greece, I had the opportunity to learn how to capture some of the most monumental moments in architectural history. I learned how to manually operate a camera, take long exposure shots, and edit photographs in Lightroom. Thanks to Pygmalion, Mark, and Susanne, I was able to have the experience of a lifetime Greece, while also learning many new things about photography. I was also immersed into the Greek culture, and I loved every minute of it; from the traditional Greek street food to the gorgeous beaches and kind people, I learned a lot about the Greek culture and got a glimpse into life in Greece. I’m very thankful for the opportunity I had to further my studies and life experiences on this trip, and I would do it again in an instant." - Samantha Richwine