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Photo editorial work ranges from providing primary assistance to clients for the selection and dissemination of their photographs to drafting portfolios and monographs. Previewing, reviewing, and selecting the appropriate sets of images for different publications; curating content; licensing and copyrights; collaborating with graphic designers, marketing consultants, communication directors, are also some of the intermediary functions that require attention and time. Providing such services to my clients jointly with photo shoots safeguards a more comprehensive result.

In the drop-down menu or the thumbnails below, you can explore examples of my photo editorial work.

Range of services:
- Portfolio and monograph creation.
- City Guide research, production and promotion.
- Curations, articles, presentations, exhibitions.
- Social media content.
- Website development.
- Licensing and copyrights.
- Stock photography agencies.   
Clients include: Danish Architecture Center,,,, Konstantinos Gregoriadis architect, Nikos Mourikis architect, Villa Elxis property, TRIF house property, Adobe Stock, Arcaid Images, iStock Getty Images.

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